Graphic Design

About This Course
Part I: General Introduction to the Training Program
1. Some Information About the Training Program
– Program Name:
+ Vietnamese: Thiết kế đồ họa
+ English: Graphic Design
– Training Major Code: 7210403
– Admission Criteria: A00, A01, C01, D90
– Educational Level: Bachelor’s Degree
– Duration of Training: 09 semesters
– Degree Earned Upon Graduation:
+ Vietnamese: Cử nhân ngành Thiết kế đồ họa
+ English: The Degree of Bachelor in Graphic Design
2. Program Objectives
2.1. General Objectives
The Graphic Design bachelor’s program at CMC University is designed to provide high-quality human resources in the field of graphic design. Graduates of the Graphic Design program possess fundamental knowledge in design and in-depth expertise in various graphic techniques, including Graphic Communication, Interactive Graphics, 2D and 3D Animation. They are proficient in using the English language for academic and professional purposes, possess analytical thinking and creative innovation, exhibit integrity, self-reliance, and adaptability in a multicultural working environment, and effectively meet the demands of the domestic and international job market in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Society 5.0.
2.2. Knowledge, Skills, and Experience Acquired
Knowledge: The Graphic Design program equips students with comprehensive and fundamental knowledge in the field of graphic design, including art, design methodologies, practical application techniques, and the use of technology in graphic design. Students are also educated on global trends in graphic design applications to meet job requirements effectively.
Skills: Graduates of the Graphic Design program possess practical skills and the ability to apply their specialized knowledge to their professional careers. These skills encompass various design techniques, the utilization of technology, and other professional skills. Importantly, students are proficient in using the English language to work in an international environment.
Self-Reliance and Responsibility: Graphic Design graduates are global citizens with strong ethical foundations. They demonstrate responsibility in their work, collaborate actively, exhibit creativity, maintain discipline, work diligently, remain open-minded, and support democratic values.
Part II. Program learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and Professional Competence
1.1. General Knowledge
– PLO1: Apply fundamental principles and laws of dialectical materialism, Marxism-Leninism, the economic-political principles of Marxism-Leninism, the revolutionary path of the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the ideology of Ho Chi Minh.
– PLO2: Apply basic knowledge of Vietnam’s national defense and security work to raise national awareness and enhance national pride.
– PLO3: Apply knowledge of physical education and sports, engage in daily physical training, and improve physical health.
1.2. Field-Specific Knowledge
– PLO4: Apply basic knowledge related to the history of fine arts, general aesthetics, the history of graphic design, and intellectual property laws.
– PLO5: Apply foundational knowledge of economics, the globalization process, Vietnamese culture, ethical business practices, corporate culture, and leadership and management in the context of the 4.0 era.
1.3. Knowledge by Group of Fields
– PLO6: Apply knowledge of the principles of vision, proximity and anatomy in graphic design.
– PLO7: Apply methods to develop creative ideas, character design, and illustration thinking in graphic design.
– PLO8: Apply foundational knowledge of digital patterns and colors in graphic design.
– PLO9: Apply knowledge from basic to advanced levels in font design, photography, and sound design in graphic design.
– PLO10: Apply applied computer knowledge in graphic design.
1.4. Major and Supportive Knowledge
– PLO11: Proficiently apply illustration and digital drawing techniques.
– PLO12: Apply techniques for logo design, personal profile design, and user experience design.
– PLO13: Apply specialized knowledge to solve issues related to Graphic Communication, Interactive Graphics, 2D and 3D Animation.
1.5. Internship and Graduation Project Knowledge
– PLO14: Apply graphic design knowledge during practical internships in enterprises.
– PLO15: Evaluate practical issues and propose solutions to address professional issues through the development of graduation projects.
2. Skills
2.1. Professional Skills
– PLO16: Apply and update new technologies in the field of graphic design to address practical professional issues.
– PLO17: Proficiently use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe Audition.
– PLO18: Proficiently apply graphic drawing techniques from basic to advanced levels.
– PLO19: Analyze career opportunities and development to adapt to the social and organizational context.
2.2. Supplementary Skills
– PLO20: Apply skills in planning, teamwork, efficient task organization, and lifelong research abilities.
– PLO21: Apply sharp critical thinking skills to solve complex professional issues in uncertain or changing environments.
– PLO22: Apply management skills and use English language proficiency equivalent to Level 3 of the Foreign Language Competency Framework (6 levels used in Vietnam) in work and daily life.
3. Ethical Qualities
– PLO23: Demonstrate personal ethical qualities, professional ethics, and social ethics.
– PLO24: Demonstrate responsibility to the community and society, comply with the laws and policies of the Party and the State.
4. Autonomy and Responsibility
– PLO25: Work independently or in teams in changing work conditions, taking personal and group responsibility.
– PLO26: Apply planning, coordination, and resource management skills, assess and improve the effectiveness of graphic design activities.
– PLO27: Demonstrate supervisory and instructional abilities in a responsible manner for professional activities.
5. Learning and Post-Graduation Advancement
– Graduates in Graphic Design have the ability to seek knowledge and solve emerging issues during practical activities in various agencies, organizations, and businesses.
– Graduates in Graphic Design have the ability to continue their postgraduate education and research at universities and research institutes both domestically and internationally.
PART III. Training Program
1. Summary of Training Program Requirements
Total credits to be accumulated: 124 credits, including:
* Common knowledge block: (excluding GDTC and GDQP-AN subjects) |
17 credits |
* Field-specific knowledge block: + Mandatory + Elective |
14 credits 08 credits 04 credits |
* Group-specific knowledge block: | 40 credits |
* Major-specific knowledge block: | 33 credits |
* Internship and graduation-specific knowledge block: | 22 credits |