English program at CMC University

English program

1. Objective

The English program at CMC University is designed with the goals of helping students:

  • Use English as a tool in learning (4 skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing), research, integration and internships at businesses (in environments that require English).
  • Have specialized vocabulary that meets professional learning requirements.
  • Meet English input standards (for GM training programs) and output English standards according to the University’s regulations.

2. Program structure

The English program is built on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Training’s 6-level foreign language competency assessment framework for Vietnam (referred to as KNLNNVN) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (referred to as CEFR), with the following structure: The structure includes 6 levels (corresponding to 6 courses) to meet the needs, abilities and learning paths of learners.

Each level has output standards referenced with KNLNNVN, CEFR, IELTS and other international English standards (see more in the appendix).




Number of in-class periods

Number of self-study periods with assessment *




Level 1

Elementary 1

120 periods

50 periods

Level 1



Level 2

Elementary 2

120 periods


50 periods

Level 2



Level 3

Intermediate 1

120 periods


50 periods

Below level 3



Level 4

Intermediate 2

120 periods

50 periods

Level 3



Level 5**

Upper- intermediate 1

120 periods

50 periods

Below level 4



Level 6**

Upper- intermediate 2

120 periods

50 periods

Level 4




 * The number of self-study periods is evaluated through test results, practice time on the Cambridgeone system and is managed by each classroom unit.

 ** English levels that are integrated with specialized English.

3. Assess input English level

At the time of admission, students are allowed to take an English language proficiency assessment test at the School (also known as a placement test), except in cases where students have an international certificate that meets the entrance standards for the university GM bachelor’s training program or output standards for SM bachelor’s training programs.

About the entrance English proficiency test:

  • Conducted on the School’s i-Test system.
  • Assess 02 skills: listening and reading in 50 minutes.

 Based on the results of the entrance English proficiency test, students are advised on a roadmap to improve their English and register for the appropriate course (level).

Note for students registering for the GM bachelor’s training program: Students need to take the exit test of Level 6 (with 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing). In case of meeting the output standards of Level 6 (equivalent to IELTS 5.5), students can enroll in the GM bachelor’s training program (in one of the fields of Information Technology, Computer Science, Business Administration)

4. Evaluate the learning process

  • During the process of learning English at each level, students are evaluated through their level of class participation, level of completion of homework and learning projects.
  • At the end of each level, students are evaluated with a test according to the level’s standards (with 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing), also known as the competency test.

5. Textbook

  • Main textbook: Empower A2, B1, B1+, B2 Student’s books with digital packs, 2ed by authors Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine, Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Cambridge University Press.
  • The main curriculum used at the School was published in 2022, which integrates Cambridge’s latest innovations, is used by many universities around the world as official teaching materials, and is highly appreciated by learners for its quality, efficiency, modernity and friendliness.
  • When using the main curriculum, the School’s students are given separate accounts to exploit Cambridge’s data bank to do exercises and practice skills.
  • In addition, students can refer to many supplementary textbooks to improve their English skills in study and work.

6. Lecturers

  • 100% of English lecturers have master’s degrees from prestigious universities at home and abroad or have a certificate in teaching English as a foreign language (TESOL).
  • 20% of teaching hours are conducted by foreign lecturers, focusing on helping students improve their speaking skills.
  • Lecturers are learner-centered, have a sense of responsibility and are dedicated to students.

7. Benefits for learners

  • Learn English confidently and progress quickly thanks to advanced teaching and learning methods.
  • The program structure is designed with 6 levels to help learners, with the advice of instructors, build a suitable English learning path for themselves.
  • Study with the original curriculum, imported directly from Cambridge Publishing House within the framework of cooperation between the School and Cambridge Publishing House.
  • Learn more specialized English during the study process.
  • Interact regularly with lecturers and classmates thanks to small class sizes, scientific classroom layout, and modernly equipped classrooms.
  • Participate in extracurricular activities to diversify your English practice experience.
  • Receive study support by the Buddy Program according to your needs.
  • Get advice on taking IELTS certification according to your needs.

8. English learning roadmap

  • For students registering to study the GM bachelor’s training program but have not yet met the English entry standards of the GM system (level 6 according to the scale of CMC University, Level 4 according to KNLNNVN, B2 according to CEFR, IELTS 5.5 or equivalent): Learn English according to the learning path appropriate to your level.
  • For students registering to study the SM bachelor’s training program but do not meet the SM system’s English output standards: Learn English according to the learning path appropriate to their level, students are encouraged to complete level 4 ( or have an equivalent international certificate) before semester 7.

Appendix: Conversion table for English certificates

  English Levels at CMC University


  NLNNVN Frame




  Cambridge Exam


Level 1


Level 1



Reading 60 Listening 60 Speaking 50 Writing 30

KET 100


Level 2


Level 2


ITP 343

Reading 115 Listening 110 Speaking 90 Writing 70

KET 120


Level 3


Below level 3




KET 130


Level 4


Level 3


ITP 433 iBT 42

Reading 275 Listening 275 Speaking 120 Writing 120

PET 140

VSTEP.3-5 (4.0)

Level 5


Below level 4




PET 150

VSTEP.3-5 (5.0)

Level 6


Level 4


ITP 543 iBT 72

Reading 385 Listening 400 Speaking 160 Writing 150

FCE 160

VSTEP.3-5 (6.0)


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