Here is the instruction for online enrollment for new students K2 – CMC University

Here is the instruction for online enrollment for new students K2 – CMC University

To facilitate a smooth and straightforward registration process for new students, CMC University has implemented an online enrollment system for the year 2023, available at

Starting from August 23, 2023, CMC University will send acceptance letters and enrollment instructions to the candidates. Candidates will receive the acceptance letters via postal service or can check online at the website:

Before 5:00 PM on September 8, 2023, all admitted students to CMC University must confirm their enrollment online for the first phase through the Ministry of Education and Training’s admission system.

Instructions for Online Enrollment:

Instructions for filling out online admission documents

To fill out online admission documents, candidates must follow these steps:

Step 1: Login

Candidates visit the website: Here, candidates use the username and password sent via the acceptance letter to log in to their accounts.

The username is the ID card number, and the login password follows the format: [candidate’s date of birth]@CMC.

(Example: Candidate Nguyen Van A, born on March 01, 2005, with the ID card number 012345678999. Hence, Nguyen Van A’s username is: 012345678999, password: 01032005@CMC).

Step 2: Enter Personal Information

On the menu screen, candidates select ‘Fill out Enrollment Profile.’

Candidates enter the required information under the ‘Personal Information’ section. Mandatory fields marked (*) must be filled out.

Step 3: Select Training Mode

For candidates admitted to Information Technology, Computer Science, and Business Administration programs: Register for either the Standard Mode (SM) or the Global Mode (GM).

For candidates admitted to Graphic Design, Korean Language, and Japanese Language programs, the default choice is the Standard Mode.

More information about Standard Mode (SM) and Global Mode (GM), as well as the conditions for studying in the Global Mode (GM) for Information Technology, Computer Science, and Business Administration programs, can be found at

Step 4: Review and Save Information

Candidates review all the personal information provided and click ‘Save Information.’ After completing all the above steps, the candidate has officially completed the online enrollment process at CMC University.

Direct Enrollment Schedule at CMC University

Candidates will participate in direct enrollment at CMC University from August 29 to August 31, 2023. The specific enrollment schedule for each program is as follows:

August 29, 2023: For candidates admitted to the Information Technology and Computer Science programs.

August 30, 2023: For candidates admitted to the Business Administration program.

August 31, 2023: For students admitted to the Graphic Design, Japanese Language, and Korean Language programs.

Enrollment time at CMC University:

Morning: from 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM; Afternoon: from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM.

Enrollment location: Training Facility 1 – CMC University, 84C Nguyen Thanh Binh Street, Van Phuc Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi City.

For detailed information on the Orientation Handbook for New Students of the 2023 Cohort 2, visit: